Beautyphica and Nuxe Paris

Beautyphica is a new web boutique that recently launched in Canada. It carries a range of well-loved European skin care, bath and body and fragrance lines that are virtually unknown to the Canadian market.

I remember being in France as a teenager and coming home wishing that Sephora was everywhere. A few short years later and the cosmetics superstore made its way to America and then Canada. Now Sephora and the brands carried there are a part of our beauty culture. The chain has also raised the bar for drugstore offerings and has even triggered a Canadian competitor in Murale.

Beautyphica takes skin care shopping to the next level, offering exclusive or hard to find European brands. They have also made shopping exceptionally easy. You don’t have to scroll through thousands of brands you have never heard of to find one thing you might like. Instead there is a paired down selection and when you do purchase something you get 3 samples to try so you can experience more of these brands for the first time.  Shipping is free for orders over $100.

beautyphica brands

One of the brands I decided to test out was Nuxe Paris. What drew me to the brand was that they use natural ingredients. I tried out the Reve de Miel facial cleansing gel, and the gentle shampoo from the same line. I also tested out two moisturizer samples one body lotion and one facial creme.

The Reve de Miel gentle shampoo lived up to my expectations in that it cleaned well while having little to no residue. The scent was light, much like a garden at the beginning of summer. I only wish there was a matching conditioner. Even still I ended up with the best hair day I have had in some time.

The facial cleansing gel smelled more like honey and was lovely to use. Much like the shampoo it was a nice light cleanser.

The two moisturizers I tried exceeded my expectations. I have been fairly loyal to my facial moisturizer since I was a teen. But I tried the Aroma Vaillance Moisturizing Deep Wrinkle Emulsion and loved the feel. It did have a bit of a scent but not enough to trigger a headache which is why I usually stick with scentless moisturizers.

The other moisturizer was a body lotion; the Tonific nutrition 24 HR Nutri-Hydrating Body Lotion. It is listed as for dry or very dry skin which lets face it is every Canadian in the Winter. It also had a very light scent. What I found misleading was the “lotion” designation as this usually means the moisturizer is a bit watered down. This Nuxe lotion however was thicker than most. Not as thick as a body butter but really a lovely consistency for all over moisturizing.

Both moisturizers absorbed quickly into the skin without excessive rubbing and with no sticky residue.

Overall I am very happy with the products I have found at Beautyphica so far. Stay tuned as I test out some of the other brands Beautyphica carries like Apotcare, Katima’a among others.

The above review was a mix of products I was provided by Beautyphica via their sampling program and products I purchased myself.

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3 Responses to Beautyphica and Nuxe Paris

  1. lauren says:

    We’re so happy you are enjoying your purchases! We love this awesome review. Don’t forget to call or email us if you have any questions about any of the samples we sent!

  2. Pingback: Addicted in 2011; products I now can’t live without |

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